Grain Price and Basis Indexes

Grain Price and Basis Indexes

Best-in-class intraday and historical data from 4,000+ grain buying facilities. Our deep historical data starts from 2008 and contains intraday price changes based on real-time pricing updates.

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End of Day Assessments

Drive your front and back office with reliable and unbiased data from Barchart’s Commodity Indexes. Our independent end of day pricing allows users to analyze historical trade performance, and spot opportunities with new potential counterparties.

Continuous Fair Values

Our real-time assessments, built on cash grain bids, can power your commodity trading and analytics platform - ensuring that the price that you’re buying or selling is the true market price.

Forward Curves for Grain

Get twelve months of forward curve information for over 4,000 index areas. Our data can be easily used to plot curves historically and identify seasonal patterns.

Barchart’s Commodity Grain Price Benchmarks

Price Index Symbol Value Day Change % Change Date
US Corn Price Idx ZCPAUS.CM 3.798 -0.022 -0.58% 09/26/24
US Soybean Price Idx ZSPAUS.CM 9.797 -0.124 -1.25% 09/26/24
Iowa Corn Price Idx ZCPAIA.CM 3.939 -0.042 -1.05% 09/26/24
Illinois Corn Price Idx ZCPAIL.CM 3.744 -0.021 -0.56% 09/26/24
Illinois Soybean Price Idx ZSPAIL.CM 9.948 -0.119 -1.18% 09/26/24
Iowa Soybean Price Idx ZSPAIA.CM 9.858 -0.131 -1.31% 09/26/24
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* Prices are delayed and represent only a small portion of our overall coverage. Subscribe to cmdtyView or contact sales for more information on how you can access streaming data, forward curves, and county-level indexes.

Barchart’s Commodity Indexes is the authority for grain bids and price assessments

Our methodology uses a sophisticated - but transparent - weighting process to ensure the commodity prices we generate reflect underlying market economics. By combining price with capacity and throughput, Barchart’s Commodity Indexes is the only source for grain pricing that isn’t just “average.”


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